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Jaydelart (Offline)
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04-05-2009, 11:49 PM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Nah.. nothing wrong with criticising the president and working against him if you believe he is doing something wrong.

But you have to be specific and articulate in how you do it. Republicans like Rush seem to be neither when they say things like "I hope Obama fails" or "I hope Liberalism fails".
That seems too biased to me.

The meaning behind the words are more important than the words itself. Not being articulate doesn't deprive someone the right to have an opinion nor the right to express it. That being said, I agree, an effort should be made to make your meaning clear. However, in this case, the reasoning behind Rush's statements do appear to be logical, regardless of whether I agree with him or not. Listen to the explanation.

Honestly, I think Liberals are barking up the wrong tree with this argument. Just like Conservatives did with Obama's "lipstick on a pig" comment.
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