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(#132 (permalink))
Ryokosha (Offline)
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04-06-2009, 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by MaymeRachael View Post
I thought about the idea of making a poll to find this out, but I decided that this would just be easier... Why do you like the bands you listen to? What caught your eye in the begining? Was it their looks first, then you heard how well their music sounded...WHAT??? And how did you find them? Friends...Tv..Internet?

I remember what got me hooked was seeing Dir en grey on a music channel called Fuse...they had played their video for The Final...and I was hooked.....then I found Miyavi, Girugamesh, MUCC, Duel Jewel, An Cafe, Yoshiki on a channel called IMF....then I found a bunch of others here! ^_^'
To be honest Diru's looks were what caught my eye first...then finding out that they were from was another plus b/c I was still CRAZY for Japan back then ^_^
I didn't like them at first but my classmates were so into them then I eventually started liking them and now I'm addicted to them! They look gays and I tease my classmates by saying Homo Hey Say or Hey Say Gay (the real name of the group is Hey! Say! JUMP)that's why I didn't like them but they started to look gorgeous in my eyes. Now they're my lodestar. I really like their songs because it usually talks about reaching your dreams and before I study, I listen to their song to get motivated
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