Originally Posted by komitsuki
I hope you are not crazy enought to support that.
If North Korea or any other countries attack North or South Korea... 1/3 of South Koreans will be instantly dead or severely injured within 3 hours from the continous artillery barrage in Seoul and the surrounding area way down to Suwon, a city south of Seoul.
That's the nature of war, isn't it? If we're going to play with the notion of war, we should already accept the reality of death. Let's just establish that, under these current circumstances, people
will die if this problem continues to escalate in the wrong direction.
If faced with the inevitability of people's deaths... Who would you prefer initiated the battle? Hostile Communist North Korea or a defensive coalition of independent nations (Japan, South Korea, The United States, etc.)? It is a very cruel question, but I feel it is an important question, nevertheless.