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Jaydelart (Offline)
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Join Date: Apr 2008
04-06-2009, 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
This is not something new its their same old habit. They are flexing their muscles and provoking a response and hope to use the attention to make some gains. I was not surprised by the announcement nor was I surprised they fired it.

I would not support any type of military strike or North Korea the situation is not to that level and the civilians would be the ones to pay the heaviest price.

Same old bullshit just a different international shovel.

*Side note* Raise your hand if you actually read an article and not just skim through it for bits of information to post? I must say i am not surprised by some of the comments because this is what happens when you post this kind of thread. Ignorance is not an excuse nor is it bliss the bluntly wrong information posted in here blew my mind at this point i feel for sorry MMM you infinitely more patience than i have my friend.
I agree. I don't want there to be any military conflict.
I prefer for this to be another one of those things I can look back at and giggle about in the back of my mind... But, with that said, how long will this situation with North Korea last? Will this behavior always indicate nothing more than a habitual "muscle flexing"?

By the way, if that sounded condescending, please understand that wasn't my intention...

Originally Posted by komitsuki
If you prefer a possible war that would kill 12 million civilians within 24 hours, you are sadly a disgrace to humanity.
Please reread my question.
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