04-06-2009, 10:29 PM
Between B2's, Raptors, laser guided bombs(the ones that hit within 3 meters of their target), and a lot of other spooky/crazy(lest we forget 747 Jet that shoots down missiles(uses a laser) will be tested this year*they work apart but this will be the first time used together*) stuff that cause US tax payers money to vanish(like $400 toilet seats), it would be like Grenada.
Don't misinterpret my statement as war mongering, I'm merely stating what NK would be up against if they decided they wanted to go to war. If anything, I could see them holding their own citizen's hostage in some attempt to get the US(or Japan or whoever) to appease them, like Hitler(not holding nation hostage, but appeasement)
And this is random but do China and NK have some agreement if that one gets attacked the other will fight as well(that kind of stuff started WW1 if I remember right)?
Last edited by cridgit001 : 04-06-2009 at 10:31 PM.