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(#11 (permalink))
blimp (Offline)
Posts: 270
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Tokyo
04-07-2009, 09:27 AM

sry nyororin, i completely misunderstood u.

well, if a japanese person can take a foreign last name, for instance at the time of marriage, i don't understand why a foreigner can't keep his name (with the exception of having to katakana-ise it). and i though (a big thought) the japanese naming conventions were basically only to prohibit indecent names.

六甲颪(おろし)に 颯爽(さっそう)と
青春の覇気 美(うるわ)しく
輝く我が名ぞ 阪神タイガース
※オウ オウ オウオウ 阪神タイガース フレ フレ フレフレ
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