Originally Posted by dirtyroboto
I am getting married next month and the situation is this. You keep your name and use katakana. If you wish to take the Japanese family name as I do then you have to change your name by Deed Poll.
You will have to consult your embassy and pay money to do a name change. You can change your name to anything you want with a few exeptions but this must be done by dealing with your own embassy.
Sorry, but changing a name through marriage, and changing through naturalization are two completely different things. The same rules do not apply.
And, by the way, you cannot change your name to one with kanji unless your original name included them (Chinese, etc). Even if you do take the Japanese family name, it will be registered in katakana. You can register an official alias using the kanji, but you cannot have a kanji name unless you naturalize.
Thanks for the info which I am truely surprised at. Although this completely does not make sense imho lol.
そう?特別扱いを望んでるのなら帰化しなきゃいいので は? そっちの方が私にとって理解しがたいのですよ。