Thread: Miyavi
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(#411 (permalink))
clairebear (Offline)
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04-07-2009, 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by AsianAtHeart View Post
I found out completely randomly. I look up J-rockers on Wikipedia at random when I'm bored on the weekends. It went from Mix Speakers, Inc. to Gackt, to Yoshiki and finally to Miyavi. And in the name of all things holy, there it was; "Miyavi" and "married" in the same sentence! xDDD

But I agree, the whole shock is rooted to how Myv's presented himself over the years, he's still 17 to us. I honestly thought he would be like Gackt and stay single forever.
I really miss the old Miyavi ;____; The crazy, hyper one. Me thinks this whole marriage thing is kinda gonna ruin his image...

I miss his old music, I remember I loved him back in 2006 and 2007.
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