Originally Posted by Salvanas
IT does not need to be explained.
It's a plain fact.
Go to creative industries that are near you, and ask them if they use a mac or a PC.
I can guarantee that 99% will be using macs. Why? Because they are just better for creative stuff.
Actually it does need to be explained!
I have worked in the "creative industry" and I can tell you this, there are a lot more people using PC's, especially when it concerns anything heavy duty such as Architecture (pretty much anything concerned with Civil Engineering tbh), games. Heck, even simple web designers seem to use PC's more than people like to think. Even though, I have to admit, they do always have a Mac at hand for test purposes.
So, care to explain why Mac's are better for the creative industry? Software isn't an issue! The majority of professional "Creative Industry" software is available on both PC and Mac. Last I checked (read an article about), PC's have more software.
To be honest, the only thing I can think of that makes Mac's better is the fact that they are easier to use, and at first glance, text and images seem to be of higher quality than when on a PC. This of course can be sorted out with a better graphics card and Screen for the PC. lol