Thread: Mac or PC
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(#40 (permalink))
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dirtyroboto (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 214
Join Date: Nov 2008
04-07-2009, 01:09 PM

I have worked in the "creative industry"
I have worked in the "creative industry" is not how I would start any conversation concerning the validity of your opinion on any subject. But I digress.

Mac's are for people scared of puters and for people that buy products based on over anylising available products.

Pc's are for the rest of us.

Really, please don't get me started on why CrApple are so rubbish as I will need to submit a 17,000 page manifesto of hate and I am sure that it will lagg the server where this forum is based by .32 ms as I am sure that you are aware that it is not hosted on a CrApple system.

BTW. Did you know... Not any of the internet providers (Yes, the people that are connecting you to the internet as you read this) use CrApple hardware in any shape or form. I have never seen a CrApple server or router and I normally only see CrApple's used by gays and other poncey types.

To any CrApple users, please upgrade to a real compy and stop using toys in the big boys world.
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