JF Old Timer
Posts: 704
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Oklahoma, USA
04-07-2009, 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Nagoyankee
Good point. It's useless to explain the little っ with that "one t vs two t's " logic because the little っ sound exists only in several languages and English isn't one of them. Those are Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Italian, etc. This is called "gemination".
Believe me, those English-speakers who tell you that the little っ is easy to pronounce usually cannot do so themselves. They so often end up elongating the preceding syllable instead of correctly "geminateing" the following consonant.
降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ