04-08-2009, 11:53 AM
Most of the people that buy a Mac do so as a status symbol. The rest do so because they are afraid of computers. Pro's tend to want a stable platform and sacrifice a great deal to have this.
Given a budget of $10,000 for one computer there is only so much money you could spend at CrApple. With a PC platform you could put the whole 10k into a computer system that would be better, bigger, faster, look great and smell of roses.
This is the PC way. You build a system you want and don't have to subscribe to a closed platform. There are so many addon's for a PC that it becomes very easy to tailor the kit to the required function.
Lets look at the sore point. GAMES!
Before you flame consider that Gaming drives much of the innovation in graphics tech and has helped the sound card industry no end. It has also driven the need for better processors, cooling systems, RAM tech and so much more. Look at rodent's and consider the mouse wheel and extra buttons for Web browsing.
Games do not work on Mac's (before you start listing them look at the percentages) I mean this in the general sense. A mouse with one button would get your a55 whipped in all FPS games.
Another driving force for PC's is piracy. Pirates do not like the Mac as there is little worth sharing. Most cutting edge apps are to be found on PC's and shared by the pirate community, many of these you would not of heard of.
I program robots and none of my software will run on a Mac. Nor my GPS, mobile phone, lightscribe, plotter/cutter, training software, anylizer, RF scanner and I could go on.
For me, Mac's suck!
I do not like CrApple or their products or their insiduous marketing.