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(#133 (permalink))
jesselt (Offline)
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04-08-2009, 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post
People have given there opinions on how to run the country, EVERY single time, Obama spouts "I won so I get my way". It's the deal with the so called "stimulus package" that was rushed through congress, without anytime to read what was in the stupid thing.
Obama hasn't taken that attitude at all. He's tried ridiculously hard to be bipartisan (too hard in fact) with all of his decisions. It's just unfortunate that the Republicans refuse to support any plans because they're too busy covering their ears and screaming about socialism. What you are talking about is the attitude that Bush took throughout his presidency. Bush constantly pushed for things that he knew the majority of the country did not support if it meant pleasing Exxon and Focus on the Family.

there's a great guy from the British Parliament (he's on youtube) that pretty bluntly said you cannot spend, or barrow your way out of debt, it doesn't happen.
Except that it does happen. Crack open a history book. Spending on certain things revitalizes the economy by creating jobs and restoring communities. Do you know what historically doesn't help or make any sense at all?...

STOP spending and conserve the money, with tax deductions. Others also have proposed to let companies fall (like real capitalism) and let the sort itself out.
Yes the economy will just magically get better if we stop spending money. Because that's how economies work; the less money you spend the better they become. It worked well in preventing the Great Depression, didn't it? Oh wait. Also, I love it when people just scream about capitalism and how it is always the savior. Capitalism is extremely broken and simply doesn't work without some form of governmental oversight. If we simply let all of these companies fail it would just throw us even deeper into the recession - people would lose the warranties on their cars, banks would close and people would lose their investments, housing foreclosures would increase. But don't worry because that's just CAPITALISM and I'm sure it will just rebound when we are all dead. Socialism works very well when mixed with capitalism. Without some form of socialism we wouldn't have libraries, highways, public schools, or countless other things you wouldn't even consider giving up.
This whole recession wasn't caused by Democrats, no matter what Sean Hannity tells you. Republicans were the ones who constantly removed vital regulations that helped stabilize our economy in the first place. Republicans were the ones who insisted on lower taxes for the extremely rich in the name of Reagan-Esq trickle down economics, which has been proven time and again to NOT WORK. Republicans have vilified the democratic party as tax-hungry communists and convinced people that you could somehow reduce debt without raising taxes.

That's a difference on running a country isn't it? IThe problem is, Obama doesn't care for others opinions. It's like Tim Geithner wanting to take over Companies that he sees as a financial risk to US economy.
Except that, as I said before, Obama has bent over backwards to cooperate with Republicans and it has cost him too much. In order to get minor support the stimulus bill has been greatly weakened and he's postponed or given up on important oversights that are lacking from our country. The Republicans had their chance; they inherited a country that was stable and in good economic shape and managed to start two wars, cripple education, and thrust the country into an economic crisis. Now it's Obama's turn, and it's laughable to think that he would be able to undo 8 years of terrible legislation in a mere two months.
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