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(#147 (permalink))
kirakira (Offline)
Posts: 350
Join Date: Jan 2009
04-09-2009, 06:44 AM

Originally Posted by jesselt View Post
You aren't even using common sense, so there's not much point in trying to debate this. I'll just say that firstly, you have to spend money to make money (look up "Investment") and secondly, there are tons of socialized programs in our country (all those things I pointed out like libraries that you ignored) so socialism and capitalism do work together. Total capitalism without government oversight is called "anarchism"
You have to spend money INVESTING to make money, i.e. build infrastructure so Americans can raise their exports to pay off their stupendous debt. But all the stimulous bill does is spend more money on CONSUMPTION (buy MORE cars, MORE iPods, MORE Plasma TVs) which can't be considered wealth generating assets so essentially, no the stimulous bill is crap.

Oh and when's the last time Command economy worked? Let's see.... never. So don't even think about making the argument that the government knows better than the market where to invest in an economy through stimulous spending. Bullocks.
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