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Lucas89 (Offline)
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Join Date: Nov 2008
04-10-2009, 11:20 AM

Search engines will search for text, if there is no relevant text on the website you will not find it via search strings in a search engine.

By text I mean any text that you can actually copy and paste from the site itself. Unfortunatly Flash normally just renders text out which can't be read by a computer like normal text can.

A good example of this is to type your full web address into google... since your web address is proper text google will find it.

Edit: Infact i've just done that myself and to further illustrate my point i can see all of the other forums you have posted this question on, since your questions are proper text on a proper website.

I even found your self-advertising on another forum:
Originally Posted by Xingly
Came across this website today that allows people to chat anonymously on the website without login and such. Cool thing is that the layout is pretty fancy and it is done in flash instead of the traditional boring style chatroom..... but the downside is that when you r up for a while, you will find that there ain't many ppl chatting yet so its kinda boring.....well, good effort lol

the site is

Peace out
This is why Flash should be used for aesthetics only in my opinion.

I think google are working on making flash readable in search engines, but I haven't really looked into it much.

If you want the site to be well indexed with little effort i would suggest redesigning the site to incorporate this whocloud thing as an application of part of a bigger site.

You will get alot more traffic if you had a proper website containing lots of text about what whocloud is, what it does, how you use it, who it's aimed at etc.

It reminds me a little of amazons Elastic Cloud thing which can be seen here Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)

As you can see they have alot of text supporting the idea and explaining it, the actual application itself has to be found in part of the main website.

I would suggest you take some ideas from sites like that.

Make sure to stick to standards compliant CSS, HTML, Javascript etc. and make sure pages are fast loading, google will mark you down if pages have a heavy load and are not standards compliant.

Also no tricks like putting white text on a white background in an attempt to get keywords onto your site, google can see the colours through CSS and compared them, if you use any tricks like this you will get marked down.

Most importantly before you write content for your site make sure you know what you want people to find you by in google and try to incorporate those words and phrases into your main content.

Good Luck.

Last edited by Lucas89 : 04-10-2009 at 11:29 AM.
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