Thread: Japanese Names
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(#14 (permalink))
SHAD0W (Offline)
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04-10-2009, 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by Nagoyankee View Post
Yes, you may, SHADOW. I won't write a book about it, though, I warn you.
Wow, thankyou very much for you input Nagoyankee. With that, i really learned something today!

My textbooks have told me that ます forms are "neutral" ways of speaking, and that there is a lower, conversational form (which i try to use with you) and higher forms. after asking my earlier question, Lucas and I did some research into writing letters in japanese and my god were we shocked! Turns out theres 5 or 6 levels of politeness in Japanese and its shockingly difficult for me to read! It got me excited though if nothing else - gave me something to aim for even if I'd never use it, hehe

We learned about using "長い間ご無沙汰しておりまして
申し訳ございません。" for example and "どうぞお元気で。"

Its like a whole new language! hehe!

Thanks again!

I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I said and all the feelings I hurt.. Please forgive me
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