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tifa (Offline)
and they ask why kpop win
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04-10-2009, 09:10 PM

i dont give two monkeys a banana it seems that no matter what he said or is shown. its a bit valid but he went tooo prideful. check, im just saying just saying not agreeing just saying sorry if i offend but every race has their own umm unique, very good um style, like asians ok ! are good as cosplaying ok um caucasians are good ar the rock emo punk look, umm blacks are good at the gangster like look...soooo you see? hope that helps i think most of this has to do with media as normal, the news (blacks are only good for crime ) so the look looks (suited) for them MTV the punk look looks good on the caucasians..see? did i make any sense?

I LOVE k-pop...i adore j-rock...but my heart goes to?!! from shinee ,suju ,dbsk ,bigbang only loving you K-POP!!!!