Originally Posted by SHAD0W
We learned about using "長い間ご無沙汰しておりまして
申し訳ございません。" for example and "どうぞお元気で。"
Its like a whole new language! hehe!
Well the example I give below is what Nagoyankee is talking about being another language.
Originally Posted by chryuop
This is an example of forml letter given by my textbook.
Is it even close to the style a formal letter should have?
Very close but businss letters has even more stuff at the front with their seasonal greetings like.
麗春(れいしゅん)の候(そうろう)、貴社いよいよご 隆盛(りゅうせい)のこととお慶(よろこ)び申し上げ ます。平素(へいそ)は格別(かくべつ)のご高配(こ うはい)を賜(たまわ)り、厚く御礼(おれい)申し上 げます。誠(まこと)に恐縮(きょうしゅく)ですが…
That's the equiv of Dear xxx in English and of course each season has its own thing. In winter you might begin with 寒冷の候. Basically massively big words like 賜わる which is a even MORE politer and humble version than the already humble 頂く.