I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so!
Japan is a unique part of the world, and from what I felt living within was that people are bored, life sucked, and the alternative was to look for recreational hobbies and solutions.
I guess where that's all the fanatsies come in..
I know model making and collecting for the above 30 males was popular.
Heck, open my storeroom and yes, I must say I got caught out with many awesome, unique and very fancy Japanese knick knacks of all sorts..
I even opurchased five hand painted sexy figures that came with certificates which were actually the original pieces for the manufactured boxed models.
They cost me a bomb on Yahoo auctions Japan, and ignoring what's under the dress, the work is simply awesome..
I have now found that fantasy play within the bedroom environs with Japanese and Korean girls is a real turn on, and my latest partner from Korea just loves to use her teeth lol.. A little monster devil!
I shall tie her up tonight