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(#42 (permalink))
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ChisaChi (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 183
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Australia
04-11-2009, 12:51 PM

Apologies for necro-ing this few month old thread, but I'm curious - how did everyone go? Did anyone here make the cut for this year?

I never even got to the applying part this time (just moved across Australia, too much hassle to go to Japan just after), but hearing about a friend getting in has fired up my interest again ^_^ I'm definitely planning on applying for next year, even though it's a long time away... anyone on here with me?

I suppose delaying for a year hasn't been too bad for me - got myself a casual teaching gig at the local university, started belly dancing (I can stretch that to 'cultural experience' right?) and proved to myself I can make new friends and do fine in a new city

chisa@flickr - photos
ChiGarden - blog
chisa.deviantart - art + crafts
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