Originally Posted by komitsuki
Because even America knows that just hypothetically conducting a war against North Korea will bring America no good for security and stability in that region.
America, at least, will never wage a conflict towards North Korea in this current situation. And people like Ronin4hire don't want to know this.
- People claiming that USA, South Korea, or Japan should make a plan to take over North Korea militarily are really idiots who ignorant about this issue.
- People looking at North Korea while disrespecting South Korea's perspective are disgraceful and should be barred from discussing about North Korea.
As a South Korean, these people should never discuss about North Korea ever again.
I hate North Korea as well and these kind of people are too dangerous.
Everyone's opinion is stupid, annoying, and ignorant except for mine. Anyone who disagrees with me is an idiot and shouldn't post anymore. My country is really close to North Korea so I'm obviously an expert just as American's are experts about Canada.