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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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04-12-2009, 03:07 AM

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
How do you know Kim Jong-Il knows his military is not powerful enough? There's only varieties of estimate about his military force.

If North Korea will be attacked by some country, it WILL be 1/3 of death in South Korea.

Ronin is definitely wrong.
As Sinestra points out correctly. Your argument isn't even contending what I said.

You're right in that many people will die and that there are aspects of NK's strategies (mostly in the way of asymetrical warfare tactics) that we don't know about. (I never even said anything to the contrary)

Let me let you into a little secret about International Relations discourse (IR being one of my majors). Much of it is speculative based upon what is known. What we know is that NK's conventional military and technology is ancient in comparison to the Eastern Allies. North Korea has a severe fuel shortage. North Korea's closest ally, China will NOT back it up if North Korea fired the first shots and it's unlikely as to whether China would directly confront the Eastern Allies if they instigated the conflict (perhaps they would aid the North to an extent but I think that's about the extent of backup you'd get from China).

BASED UPON THIS INFORMATION I said the Eastern Allies would destroy NK.

Saying that we don't know everything and therefore I am wrong is an illogical conclusion to draw. In order to convince me I'm wrong you have to counter it based upon YOUR information and things that I may have not taken into consideration. I'm willing to listen and even read all those reports you posted earlier and countered in the manner I have described to you above.
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