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(#16 (permalink))
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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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04-12-2009, 04:07 AM

Originally Posted by maintenance View Post
I had a new question! I feel bad if I make a new thread. There should be a Q&A thread, imo. I don't have anyone to ask Japanese questions. ):

...でも ひみつです だから(is this how you say "so"?) "anyone" (how do you say anyone? would 'だれも' work?) を 教えるな (is this the negative command form? "don't tell!"; my computer turns oshi to that kanji, so )ください.

Does this make any sense?

I broke it up so it would cause less confusion (for me. )

Am I close?
There's actually a huge Q&A thread.

I'm not sure what you wanted to say.  By "...でも", did you want to put something infront of the でも? Or did you want to use でも as a connector "but"?

You cannot ever combine the nice です and the strong negative command 教えるな. It sounds very strange at least to the native ear.

Though I'm not clear on the dot part of the 「...でも」, the following sentences are all correct and natural.



masculine, colloquial versions:


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