Originally Posted by komitsuki
I said that you guys don't know some things about this. I also said, "please know South Korea's perspective of this issue because it is not addressed properly" without any bad intends, except for my expression being very alarmist for an obvious reason.
I didn't mean to say "you guys are all ignorant". If I did deliberately say it, then I would keep saying you guys all ignorant so deliberately and continuously.
We are just having a communication problem.
You're just using this forum to troll your anti-West sentiments is what I think you're doing. I've never once not considered the South Korean perspective. You did bring me to the attention of all the civilian deaths and I acknowledged that. But it was never really relevant to anything I said apart from my initial support of a military strike. Even then I still maintain that I will support a strike carried out by the Eastern allies IF there is a genuine threat against them.
Originally Posted by komitsuki
I'm willing to listen if you DON'T have a strong warmongering attitude about this. But sadly you are a person who I really want to avoid right now. Don't blame me, blame your perspective about this.
The warmongering is the North Korean regime which oppresses and starves its own people and builds nuclear missiles threatening war and aggression like a little baby when they don't get their way. (i.e. when South Korea, Japan and America stop giving them money, aid, impose sanctions on them via the UN etc.)
I don't think that my support of non-appeasement which may or may not end up in military action is warmongering.
After all, there were some very dire consequences of appeasement in Europe in the 1930's concerning a similar sort of totalitarian, fascist regime.