Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
You're just using this forum to troll your anti-West sentiments is what I think you're doing.
More like "would you please don't undermine the non-Western world that the Western world is doing". Read my previous posts carefully of why I said like this very negatively.
I've never once not considered the South Korean perspective.
That's how much you care about this issue: very poorly. Now please broaden your view.
The warmongering is the North Korean regime which oppresses and starves its own people and builds nuclear missiles threatening war and aggression like a little baby when they don't get their way.
I don't think that my support of non-appeasement which may or may not end up in military action is warmongering.
I know you love democracy... and I'm surprised you say something like "I've never once not considered the South Korean perspective."
Are you really sure you love democracy because you don't even consider a South Korean perspective? Even a country you consider democratic?
Your non-appleasement is very hypocritical attitude because the possible war with North Korea will harm more North Korean civilians (you know this because NK is a brutal regime who hates its own people) than approaching with a appleasement perspective.
You are just debating because of showing some pride that you are an IR major.