Originally Posted by jesselt
I agree with this for native speakers, but it is important to note that this isn't necessarily true for foreigners. There's things like は which sounds like わwhen used as a particle, and things like elongated vowels and small tsu sounds that can be very tricky for learners (としょうかん or としょかん, etc.)
English spelling is, of course, much more difficult though; I just want to point out that Japanese isn't exactly as simple spelling-wise as it's made out to be.
I don`t recall saying that Japanese is at all easier to learn than English. What I did say, however, is that English is not easier than Japanese. If one were to follow the thinking of the quote which I was replying to - Japanese would end up being "easier". Is it? Of course not, which disproves the original quote.
The original bit I was replying to is about "native" speakers learning the language as children. (I put native in quotes, as they can hardly be considered such at the point where they are still acquiring language.) It would NOT be easier to learn English as a native language. Nor would it be more difficult.