Originally Posted by AsianAtHeart
All I know is I would not get Dragonball out of that trailer. Who came up with the white Goku idea?
They're trying to ruin my childhood, seriously. It looks like a not-well-thought-out action movie.
i thought Goku was white? if the anime character was black then i can understand.
actually, i dont think the movie was that bad, i just dont think you can make a story this epic into a 1 hour movie. kinda like the lord of the rings. if jackson put all three movies into one 3 hour movie, then that would suck. but maybe they skipped things to get to better parts in the sequel. and i think it would be hard to transform piccolo into a real person. if they made him look like the cartoon character even by using CG, i would have called that an epic fail. the only reason i liked it was because i enjoy movies that are written without retardedness. im not saying it was the greatest movie, just that it didnt confuse you like some other movies. but i still say the day the earth stood still sucks so bad