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Payne222 (Offline)
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04-14-2009, 01:24 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Or... 52, perhaps?
Either way, that isn`t the issue. The number of words, and the skill required to properly use the two languages does not differ. You are using your perception, as a speaker of English, to rate another writing system badly simply because YOU find it too hard.
I dunno, I mean, from my standpoint (I am not trying to offend anyone
in anyway) I can see where saying Japanese is harder than some European languages.
My experience with this is that I was learning both Japanese and German at
the same time. Japanese was harder than German because of all the different
kana and kanji to memorize writing wise compared to German's 30 letters. Also
the way sentences are constructed in Japanese was harder for me. But this
is my own opinion and insight on it.
Oh, and most Europeans I know that are native in another language (ie German
or Hungarian) say that English is easier to learn than other languages.
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