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04-14-2009, 05:06 AM

Originally Posted by Tsuruneru View Post
When i saw the video news cameras showed the girl crying while here parents were in line to get on the next plain out of japan. The mom can only speak japanese that will be really hard for her.
I don`t know where you heard that the mother can only speak Japanese, but in every interview I have seen where she spoke - her Japanese was actually really poor... And she would divert the talking over to her husband. It was my impression that her Japanese was not all that good at all, and definitely not her only language.

The little girl though, yes, I believe she only speaks Japanese.

However, you can`t make exceptions (any more than have already been made). The parents came into Japan illegally - and it was not an accident. They obtain fake passports (or was it used someone else`s stolen passport? I forget) to enter the country. Posing falsely as Japanese citizens.
If they had simply overstayed their visas, the possibility of granting them residency was there. But that isn`t the case. They made the choice, and likely would have continued on in hiding, falsifying their identities, etc.

Depressing for the little girl, but they have made the exception of allowing her to stay in Japan, even though she has no legal right to it. Forgiving guilty parents because a child is innocent? Not something I can support.

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