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Nyororin (Offline)
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04-14-2009, 05:48 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I talked to my friend in Japan about it and he said the media seems to be focusing on the poor little girl and less on the criminal activities of her parents.
Mass media is mass media. They`ll focus on what gets them viewers, and what could be more appealing than a poor 13 year old crying because her parents are sent away?

Newspapers, magazines, 週刊誌 etc - not quite as kind. There are more than enough people out there who are very unsatisfied with the level of "exceptions to the rule" being made for this family, even if the parents are being deported.
I`ve noticed quite a bit of surprise if I express my disappointment in the lightness of the government choices (I think they should have been charged in a criminal light, and banned entry to Japan for life like everyone else who does the same crap without having a kid to look cute on TV for their sake...)
I guess people expect me to want to defend them, being as they`re not Japanese. *sigh*

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