04-14-2009, 08:47 AM
Isn't it a petty thing to be picked on for liking Japan?
Kids these days... they'll make fun of you for anything! D:
I wasn't ever picked on because everyone in my generation that I knew liked anime and Dragon Ball Z and everything. It was cool to be into Japan.
When the weeaboo fad started, I was in college. I've been called it once or twice, but I shrug it off. I don't fit the stereotype. Hell, I don't even watch anime often. It's a silly thing to call someone you don't know because they like to use chopsticks correctly :3
I've been asked by Asians if I'm Asian. I find it amusing, myself. I'm actually half-Cuban ^^
Bottom line, kids. People are stupid. They even make fun of people for speaking correctly and making good grades.
Trust me. If you liked chocolate, and it was something exotic, you'd be made fun of for it. Don't be ashamed of the things you love!