I LOVE my height, I always have

I love the fact that I'm the tallest one in my family, most people are short compared to me, people get out of my way, and another really big bonus of being tall.... people don't give me a lot sh**.
But there is one thing I would like to clear up for all you "short" people^^. While there are many good things about being tall, it's not all that it's cracked up to be.
For instance one problem that most people tend to over look is: a person who is 5'6-5'10 can go to a store and buy regular clothes.
Whereas I (being 6'3 and having a 36" inseem) have to special order every thing and even then it's really hard to find a place that sells pants that long.
So in closing, I have always loved being tall even though it's not always easy

and I Don't let peoples snide comments get to me.
(because I know I can send them to the moon with just one kick
