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Sangetsu (Offline)
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04-15-2009, 01:49 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
WTF? Your post looks like an opinion piece from FOX news. I think I agree with Josh for the most part.

You're pretty heartless. I really don't know much about this story but you do know that 30,000 is not a lot of money do you?

I mean people smugglers take life savings from people to get them to Australia, often selling everything they own for the voyage. 30000 dollars is not an abnormal amount of money.

You might call using the daughter for sympathy exploitation... As I said I don't know much about this particular situation... but most of the time these people are desperate to stay.
If the legal route is the only option, and you can't enter legally, then there is no option, is there?. Breaking the law is not the path to a better life. By your logic, it would be perfectly legal to steal from others if your job doesn't pay enough, after all, it's not your fault you are unskilled, is it?

There is a fine line between heartless and realistic. How much have you personally done to help the world? Have you donated your time or money to help the unskilled in poor nations? I have. I've been to Haiti, Honduras, Somalia, and Ethiopia. I've set up sanitary facilities, taught people how to purify water, and immunized countless children and adults.

What is the leading cause of poverty? Ignorance, and nothing else. What is the cure for ignorance? Education, of course. The best way to help somebody is to teach them to help themselves.

Instead of complaining about the injustices of the world, or arguing with another's opinion on the subject, you should put your money were your mouth is and do something about it. Join the Peace Corps, or some other organization, go out and see what the world is like when you put your feet on it. You'll find it much different than what you read, see, or hear at home.

Last edited by Sangetsu : 04-15-2009 at 01:56 AM.
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