Originally Posted by Tenchu
How so?
If the US back in 1940's was a less advanced country and it can justify the nuke of major cities, then why can a country at the same level of advancment not justify the same thing to a similar enemy?
Because times have changed!!! How are you not able to process that bit of information!
Originally Posted by Tenchu
Or are you saying the US being advanced has a duty to do something to stop it? I am not so sure how advanced they are, anyway, or perhaps they would not have used chemical weapons on civilians in Falujah so recently.
The anti-nuclear movement is a global one not one driven by US agenda onto Iran... furthermore all the states that signed the nuclear non-proliferation agreement (NPT) have pledged as such including Iran.
It's not just about Iran wanting nukes dipshit. It's about Iran violating it's responsibilities under the NPT. Furthermore the reasons for Iran wanting nukes could invite a pre-emptive strike on them if they fail to cooperate with the IAEA completely or if they decide to withdraw from the treaty.
It is all a bit of a mess, really. Catch 22; having faith in the US will also mean you accidently support the will of its enemies.
This comment makes no sense whatsoever.