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(#20 (permalink))
blimp (Offline)
Posts: 270
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Tokyo
04-15-2009, 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by StangGuy View Post
I can't give any suggestions, but you are probably experiencing two problems. The frequency difference 50Hz for Japan instead of 60Hz in the US and also the voltage. However, the frequency is probably the bigger problem. The frequency of the supply is used to control the timing so something meant to operate on a 50Hz cycle will run faster when powered with 60Hz. What this means for things like microwaves and bread makers is the built in timer will probably be wrong(30mins on 50Hz will be 25mins on 60Hz) and less heat will be delivered and the machine will say it is finished before it is. Also, things like bread makers usually use temperature feedback, via a built in thermometer, to control the temperature so they aren't actually dependent on the voltage. A microwave is entirely dependent on the frequency and uses the oscilating power supply to create a higher frequency oscilation that generates the "microwaves".
well, you see, the funny thing is that japan has two mains frequencies. 50hz for eastern japan and 60hz for western japan. and no, consumer products are not made exclusively for one frequency. so you will most likely have no problem with any timer or anything like that. actually if you look on the product it will most likely say AC100V 50~60 370VA

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