04-15-2009, 10:45 AM
My bag is so empty. :P
Wallet, pen case with pens in it, facial moisturizer spray, lip gloss, inkan, facial moisturizer stick, digital camera, schedule book, small hand towel, hand mirror, and my cell phone.
That`s it. It sounds like a lot, but it`s all very neatly in there. Wallet in the large center pocket with schedule book, hand towel, and pen case. Lip gloss, inkan, and facial moisturizer stick in one small inner pocket - hand mirror and moisturizer spray in the other. Digital camera goes into a case that it dangling inside of the bag, attached to the strap. Cell phone goes in the outer pocket.
I like to change bags on a whim, so it`s all neat and quick to transfer from one bag to another.
If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.