Originally Posted by Shanis
Yeah I agree with you that protectionism is bad, but take countries like germany, here are all people buying just german cars, like VW or Opel and Fiat (I don´t know if Fiat is a german company) because these cars are supported by the government, you get 2500€ if you let your old car scraped so many people do this. I don´t know anyone who bought an american or japanese car just because of this cause they are now much cheaper then cars from abroad companys (but it´s still a fail because everybody buys this small cars like smart and golf or polo etc. but these cars aren´t manufactured in germany xD just VW produces them but in france and poland or so    )
This is specific to Germany because you guys produce quality cars.
But consider countries who don't have this kind of industry.
Let's take Canada as an example. Even if the goverment heavily bailout Ford, GM and Chrysler, people still buy mostly Toyota and Honda.
Why ? Because it's the free market and japanese cars are much more interesting than the scrap on 4 wheels the american can produce.
International market is wide. Middle East import LOTS of japanese cars.
Check this website.
Automobile and Motorcycle Export Statistics for November 2008