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(#27 (permalink))
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Debi (Offline)
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04-15-2009, 06:07 PM

Originally Posted by rison View Post
Controlled inflation might go out of hand.That was what the Lehman brothers CEO told the everyone during the mortgage crisis.
Printing money causes Hyper inflation, didn't you read that or better google up "the Zimbabwean economy"

The Japanese economy isn't weak, all they need is revaluation as the UK does, although exports will suffer at first but in the long run, the economy will stabilize.
What happened in Zimbabwe is totally lame.
We are talking about one of the worst economy of the world anyway.
In such a primitive economy the slightest variation into the supply of money can be dramatic.

We are talking about Japan, the 2nd strongest economy of the world.
The risk of seeing hyperinflation are as low as seeing hyperinflation in the USA.

Is there any optimist people like me or everyone is utterly worried ?

Edit : About the 2nd part of your message, Japan want a short term solution pronto before the unemployment goes that high that it get out of control.

Gimme a stick and I'll make a masterpiece out of it, go figure.

Last edited by Debi : 04-15-2009 at 06:10 PM.
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