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(#22 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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04-15-2009, 11:23 PM

Originally Posted by XOXkAWAIiXOX View Post
Sorry if there is already a thread for this.

I don't like America very much, but it is my homeland and I get very offended when someone says that Americans are lazy and stupid. Not all Americans are like that. I am not lazy and I'm actually very smart. I study in and out of school. What's up with all these stereotypes against Americans?? I hear it all the time and most of it isn't completely true! Please inform. Arigato.
A person who stereotypes someone based on the country they come from, which has thousands and thousands of people, would probably be stupid, or at least misguided themselves. I wouldn't worry what people say about where you are from.