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Lilongyue (Offline)
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Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, P.R.C
03-18-2007, 06:36 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Just thought I`d volunteer any info that anyone needs...

I live in Japan, not in Tokyo, and have lived here for almost 9 years now. I basically came to Japan with nothing (On my own, not part of any program, not as a teacher, with almost no money, etc) when I was 17, and have been here pretty much ever since.

I`m now married, and *own* a home. I`m willing to answer pretty much any questions about real life in Japan - not the English teacher in Tokyo type stuff... Because that`s only like 0.1% of reality. (Not to offend any of the English teachers in Tokyo or anything though.)

We usually try and help other people who are/were in the same boat as I was when I came to Japan (Bad family life, etc), but last year a girl we let stay with us really screwed us over so we have stopped for the time being. But I really want to help people, so if I can in any way please ask!

(Oh, and I think I mentioned a lot more stuff in my intro in the introductions thread, so...)
[quote=Nyororin;9955]Just thought I`d volunteer any info that anyone needs...


Thanks for sharing your story. I myself live in China for 2 years, and have lived in various other Asian countries for two years before that. I'm studying Chinese language, and when I'm finished will obviously be living in a country where those skills will be needed, but I really would like to visit Japan. I'm thinking that it would be best to find some work while I'm there, as I'm a poor student at the moment. I'm curious how you worked in Japan without a 4 year degree (you didn't have one, right?). It seems you first went to Japan several years ago, so maybe things were different then, but is it possible to visit and find some work for a month or so while visiting? Forgive me if this question has already been asked, but 16 pages of posts is just too much to go through. Also, if posting a question like this is a no-no, please let me know.

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