Originally Posted by darksyndrem
It's a great plan, but it won't work...which makes it a bad plan? And by the way, from the actions Islam has taken already, they don't seem to be the peace making types, I mean maybe it's just me, but blowing everyone to peices doesn't seem to me, very peaceful? Oh and out of curiousity (in all seriousness) how does banning stem cell research help the country?
Obama is trying to make peace with Islam because of what Bush did... just went in there and blew everything up. Obama's trying to stop that. He told the Islamic government, "America will never be at war with Islam." At first I didn't agree with it beacause they are the terrorists, but now that I actually look at it, it's a great idea. It's a way to stop terrorism. I know it won't happen in the near future, but "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"--Confucious. And stem-cell research doesn't affect the economy, but using it for reseans that will just cause chaos is a bad idea. Using for medical research is a good thing, which is why Obama said that stem-cell research will only be aloud for that purpose only.