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JF Ossan
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04-16-2009, 07:52 AM

Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post
We blew up there religion? Strange

Did you forget 9/11?

Since when where we at war with Islam? I"m asking for evidence to support your claim. Obama made an fopaw with that one since we where never at war with Islam to begin with. Secondly you need to distinguish between the religion and terrorist. No it's not a way to stop someone who wants to kill you based on your ideology. There's no playing nice, I would at least expect people to understand this, since roughly 3,000 innocent people died because of terrorists. Look at the situation in Israel if you want to know where talking to Terrorists gets you.

Stem-cell research is a miss-understood research. I've heard both sides who say it would work/not and at the essence we simply do not know how much/effective it would be. What we need is a dialogue on the issue. Like for the fact we can get stem-cells from birthing fluid instead of using an egg (can't remember if it has to be fertilized). Me being pro-life fully supports using birthing fluid for research.
We are not at war with Islam, and to say so is simply ignorant. Thank you for pointing that out again.

Stem-cell research is a new field. There is no reason not to explore the possibilities it may open up in fighting diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cancer as well as people with fertility problems and a host of other issues.

"I don't know how effective it would be". So therefore we shouldn't explore the possibilities? Come on.

I am curious as to why being pro-life would mean that stem-cell research wouldn't be feasible. Doesn't a woman's body "abort" an egg every month she isn't actively getting pregnant?