04-16-2009, 09:58 AM
Star Fox Adventures had a slew of characters to despise. Tricky annoys the piss out of me, sometimes.
Andross as a final boss is pretty annoying, as well. In 64, he wasn't a big deal, but in SFA, fucking Rare tricked him out a bit more.
I vaguely remember the FF boss cameo in Super Mario RPG. All I remember thinking was, "Why isn't this battle over yet?"
Fucking Giygas on Earthbound >.> Last play-through, I forgot to stock up on the Horn of Life, so I only had, like, 4 (which should be all I need, considering the characters can revive). But some of his attacks kill spontaneously and I just couldn't last long enough to pray nine times and kill him. Not to mention the only save point going up to him is at the farther end of a long, narrow road of grinding.
And you can't go back and fix anything once you save there. Fuck D:<