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noodle (Offline)
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04-16-2009, 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
Religion is merely a belief. It is people who give it voice and action. Too often religion is a tool used to oppress and control rather than as a means toward happiness, peace, or salvation.

God is not shooting people, nor is he telling them to blow themselves up and kill others to further his glory. So it's obviously the people who are at war, and so it is against those people we fight.
Ok, but that doesn't really answer my question.

As for the religion being used to oppress and control thing, I'd say thats more of a cliche than anything. Religion is also a tool that brings hapiness, hope, togetherness and much more to billions of people. But of course, this is rarely mentioned in todays world, which is of course a world that is moving furthar and further away from religious ethics and beliefs as each day goes by. Religion has also helped in the advancement in many fields of study all over the world. Lets not forget that the muslim world was centuries ahead of the rest of the world in its golden years.

At the end of the day, religion brings people together just as it pushes them apart. It all depends on the situation, but religion is in no way Evil! A few rotton apples doesn't make the whole thing a shamble!