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cridgit001 (Offline)
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Guns on University campuses, legal? - 04-16-2009, 06:10 PM

So today in my Government class my professor brought to light a bill that is currently going through legislation in Texas. If passed the bill would allow people that have CHLs(Concealed Handgun License) to carry their weapon on campuses legally onto all Texas universities. The purpose of this would be to allow students in a Virgina Tech type situation to defend themselves against any would be killer. One proposition was that the professors would have lists of those that had CHLs in their classroom. Any thoughts?

Note: The process of acquiring a CHL is expensive and thorough with background checks among other things.

Here's the link about CHLs if you want to go in depth. Texas Department of Public Safety - Regulatory Licensing Service Concealed Handgun Licensing

Last edited by cridgit001 : 04-16-2009 at 06:16 PM.
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