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04-16-2009, 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by CrazyLee
Every person who draws doubts him/herself at some point. What separates you out as an artist as opposed to someone who just draws is that you dont let your doubts get in the way and you still draw something. If I have to spend the next 5 years shouting at you that your a great artist then I will.
Either that or take the hint. I only favourite some damned good art nowadays. And I believe that your just as good as some of the published artists.
Okay, that's the 'pep' talk done. Now for the rant: either keep drawing or I'll forcibly disown you. Through a cannon 
xD thank you !! Btw right now I draw a new one I'll upload it tomorrow !!! It's nothing special x3
ギャー(*0*((◎—————ー(°°; ) スッポヌケ〜
✿ あなた だけ が みれば いい... 狂気と真実は紙一重 ✿
そして坊やは眠りについて 息衝く灰の中の炎ひとつ、ふたつと 浮かぶふくらみ愛しい横顔 大地に垂るる幾千の夢、夢 銀の瞳のゆら(◕‿‿◕ )
It's a thin line between genius and stupidity. Once you cross it there is no going back!! Luckily I have tippex and a pen so I can just redraw it where I like!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA =_=