Originally Posted by Sangetsu
I don't get Fox News in Japan.
Fundamentalist Muslims have no country, they live everywhere. They have killed in the usual places, like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, but they have also killed in India, Indonesia, Sudan, Kenya, Russia, the Philippines, Sudan, Spain, England, and the US. They would killed in other places as well, and they would kill many more if they had the means.
Is Iran's Jewish community really thriving? They are considered "Dhimmies", and enjoy no civil rights. They are not allowed to build new synagogues, they are not allowed to vote. They are not allowed to speak, pray, or hold hands in public. They are outsiders and serfs, and are only allowed to exist if they accept these conditions and pay a heavy tax to the government. The penalty for disobeying any of these prohibitions is death. They are not thriving, they are merely enduring, as they always have.
Fair enough... I was mistaken about the Iranian Jews.
BUT how does any of that counter what I said? I don't disagree that fundamentalist Muslims have no country... what does that have to do with what I said?
You said the West was at war with Islam because....
Significant parts of Islam are at war with the West, and though the west may deny they are at war with Islam, well, it takes 2 to tango, doesn't it? The war in Afghanistan is against the Taliban, who are fundamentalist Muslims. We may say that we are fighting against extremist individuals, but we are also fighting against the belief system that drives their actions.
Now the part I bolded...
I'll say it again. You could use the same logic that you used here to justify saying that the West is at war with Islam to say that the West is at war with Christianity too.
Now does that make sense to you?