Originally Posted by solemnclockwork
Do you honestly think that Jews would be ok in an country that the leaders want to wipe Israel of the map, and continuous supports Terrorism to kill Jews and also supports t.v. shows calling them pigs? That potentially seeks an Nuclear bomb to destroy Israel. You seriously find nothing wrong with that? I can't give you an copy paste as that information comes from memory but I will point you to articles that back up what I"m saying (oh by the way a LOT of that was reported in the news so it should be common nowledge.)
there's a difference in having the people put demeaning marks on a grave and having the government do it.
What are you trying to say exactly? There ARE Jewish people in THAT country

As for the not remembering where you got the copy and paste thing, lol, please. No offense to your English, but the level of English between your posts and what you posted is totally different!
As for the marks on the grave thing, that was a QUOTE from a Jew in Iran!
I'm gonna step back from this convo for two reasons... This isn't the thread for it, and secondly, it will just turn into another "Western Media Conspiracy" kind of discussion!
Originally Posted by Jaydelart
America is largely diverse. Name any country in the world and I can almost guarantee you there are people from that country that live in - or better yet: migrated to - America. So, when a person says they hate Americans, who, exactly, are they referring to?
I don't think those people are actually talking about ethnicity! It's about nationality. For example, I am Berber, Algerian, but now I have British Nationality, and I am very proud to be British! In a debate against Algerians, if I believe the Algerian is wrong, I am proud to defend Britain!