Originally Posted by skitty
So you're saying that in the biggest melting pot in the states where the so called bad part of our society is high that many ppl showed the same characteristics (or human s showing human nature) towards the aimless wandering robots.wile alot more stood along side and watched or ignored the robots (or human s showing human nature)that even tough we are all together some of us aren't good and some of us aren't bad. or something eles intirely.
You didn't understand that at all. The point is that in the biggest city in the US and people are still not so busy, in such a hurry, so arrogant or self-important that they cannot help tiny toy robots to their destinations.
Originally Posted by tifa
sucks, why hate it and still live there why act all...mean soooo funny...main though, when i get out of america im going japan! ..uhuh..*walks away*
I thought you lived in London.