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(#151 (permalink))
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Aniki (Offline)
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04-17-2009, 08:26 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Basically the writer took "robots" (toys, really) attached with post card that wrote their intended final destination. The robots are not radio-controlled. They only go in straight lines. So it would take the help of New Yorkers to get the robots to where they need to go. Sounds like an easy way to lose some toys, right.

No, in every case, the robots made their way from the helpful assistance of the seemingly busy and "arrogant" Americans living in New York.

Naturally not EVERY single person who saw the robot helped them, but enough did that not a single robot didn't complete it's mission. The robots were not screaming for help, but just puttering down the sidewalk.

I don't understand what you're trying to prove here MMM. The experiment was done in a park in which out, like what, 100 or maybe more people 29 helped a robot to get to destination.

So what does that mean, that not all New Yorker's are busy "arrogant" people? What?